With Spawn in full swing, big fish want a big meal. I used to fish the smaller 4 inch swim baits and good success with them. Although this year I became a member of the Tru-Tungsten Pro Staff, and that has turned me into a large swim bait fan. I've had really good success with the 5 inch & 7 inch swim baits. I've found that when the water is moving or a storm front is about to move in, large bass love these things. From what I have learned that most fisherman say "It's so intimidating throwing these larger swim baits that most fisherman just don't throw 'em." You can get a lot more bites throwing the smaller life like swim baits, but you won't get the quality fish, "Big fish want a big meal, and because of the intimidation factor most fish haven't seen a whole lot of them."
So the next time you at Bass Pro Shops, pick one up that matches the bait fish that are in your lake. You won't be unhappy. An always use a Fishin Tool Bag for all your fishing tool needs.
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