For most average fisherman, we all have that favorite spot on the lake we fish at and almost all of us always head towards that favortie spot first thing when we go out on the lake. Most of these favorite spots are because, we have a memory about a large fish we have caught at this spot.
In almost every case we focus on trying to catch that big one again. Before you know it, half of the day has passed by and you haven't caught that big one you had dreamed about. Well, I found myself in this same situation several times before, so a few days ago I went out and forced myself to find new places and was determined to make my new place work for me.
I fish on the Kentucky lake / Tennessee river system, this is very much like the river system that I grew up on Lay Lake in Alabama. On Lay Lake I had a spot near the wilsonville steam plant, I could always go to, to catch fish. My favortie spot was near the water outlets of the steam plant, if they where moving water you could be sure to catch fish.
For the past year I have been going right past the water outlets near the Johnsonville, Tennessee fossil fuel plant. This power plant is like most fossil fuel power plants, they have water discharge pipes that release warm water into the river. I have always avoided the water discharge pipes at the Johnsonville power plant, I have avoided this area mostly because there is a large number of boats in a small area. So on this day the TVA was moving a lot of water on the river due to snow melt up north and to control river flooding.
After about 30 minutes of fishing, I had caught five large mouth bass over 5lbs and had my limit. Although I stayed in this spot for about another two hours and caught 15 fish and had one of the best days in a long time. So the next time you are out on the lake, give that new place a shot. You might be surprised on what you catch.
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