So as Darren has undoubtedly already told you we recently went fishing at the Arkansas River. We put in and rode for several miles trying to find the perfect fishing hole. So we had found a one way bridge and were fishing up along the shore. The reason we stayed near the shore was because it was so windy and there was such a strong current, that that was the only place that we could actually fish. So we are sitting there fishing all excited to fishing at a new river, when WHAM Darren's pole was bent over. You should have heard him "Oh my God I got a whale!!" and suddenly it stopped fighting and Darren was all like dangit I think he got off. So he was reeling and up came the biggest long-nosed gar I have ever seen. " Dam*** I got a gar"
And I swear that gar was at least 3 or 4 feet long. And the funny thing was, that the gar didn't even hook himself he was just holding on, so Darren gave the rod a flip and off it went.
He caught it on a green culprit same as with the 7.8lb bass.
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